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Roof repair in London should be dealt with quickly. Any fault can pose a significant risk to yourself and others. Unfortunately, a lot of people are tempted to go down the DIY route when it comes to roof repairs. This, however, isn’t the sensible route to take. You are not a roofing expert, you could […]

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Roof repair in London should be dealt with quickly. Any fault can pose a significant risk to yourself and others. Unfortunately, a lot of people are tempted to go down the DIY route when it comes to roof repairs. This, however, isn’t the sensible route to take. You are not a roofing expert, you could […]

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Hiring a roofing company in London makes sense when you need a new roof installed. Unfortunately, lots of homeowners prefer the DIY route as they think it’s worth trying. While you might have enthusiasm, it can be incredibly dangerous to tackle roof installation without proper know-how or training. So, putting that to one side, what […]

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Flat roof repair is a necessity when a leak occurs. Any issues with the roof could have serious consequences for the property and it’s not ideal, to say the least. Unfortunately, several things can easily go wrong, with one broken tile causing thousands of pounds worth of damage. Fixing the problem quickly can make a […]

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When it comes to business or home renovations, the perfect roof is quite literally the icing on the cake. Ensuring that you get a professional you can trust is a key aspect of this as it can take a lot of time and get very expensive even with the perfect roofer. Here is how to […]

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Before the sunny days well and truly come to an end, you should find time to get up on your roof and inspect it before the winter starts, to see if you need a replacement roof installed. Giving it a quick look over, and keeping an eye out for these four tell-tale signs, could save […]

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Environ Roofing Services
Roof replacement, repair and maintenance for domestic and commercial properties.
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